UltraSAM4W GPS Functionality

UltraSAM4W GPS Functionality

Dec 22 2015

I. Overview/Introduction

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based navigation system that consists of 24 orbiting satellites.

From the known position of three or more satellites a GPS receiver can triangulate its location on the ground using longitude and latitude method. A GPS receiver can determine its 3D position using latitude, longitude and elevation methods from the known position of four or more satellites. Furthermore, GPS also supply data on speed and direction of travel in real-time. GPS has numerous application due to its navigational capability and 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all over the world availability.

Intercel’s modems and routers equipped with GPS functionality are widely used by electricity companies to retrieve billing data accurately and cost effectively. Similarly, many fleet management companies are utilising Intercel products with GPS capability to track their vehicles to determine the ETA of their deliveries and for security purposes. Moreover, Security surveillance, environmental, industrial and building automation monitoring are few of many applications of GPS functionality in Intercel’s products.

In this application, we use the UltraSAM4W’s GPS function to get its position off the GPS satellites:

I. Configure the UltraSAM4W Router with SIM/Provider details

  1. Plug an Ethernet cable to the router and connect it to your PC/laptop.
  2.  Once connected, open an Internet browser and type in


  1. Login using the user name: root and password: root
  2. Navigate to Internet Setting > Mobile Network > Network Setting and change APN Name as shown below


Note: APN Name varies according to operator. Please contact your Service provider to get the correct APN Name.

II. Enable GPS functionality

  1. Navigate to Applications > GPS and enable the “GPS Operation”. Save the function.


IMPORTANT: The GPS functionality required an external GPS antenna. The GPS antenna must be ordered separately.

  1. The GPS latitude/longitude and other location parameters will be acquired after the GPS function is able to sync at least with 3 GPS satellites. Normal operation will take 3-5 minutes to triangulate.
  1. Additionally, the location can be tracked simply by clicking on the “Google Map function” to see the current location onto the google map.

III. Remote Access

The unit can be remotely accessed from another location by using the SIM card IP address and opening the UltraSAM4W admin page. See below for the setup configuration:


In order to remotely access the UltraSAM4W administration page, you may enter below onto your remote PC browser window:


Where XXXX is the IP Address of your UltraSAM4W as assigned by the network.

Tags: 4G, GPS, Router, UltraSAM4W,